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Parents & kids play
do 18 nov
|Den Haag
This weather will only make you cough and snotty. We have created a nice corner for the youngest who would like to visit the doctor !
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18 nov 2021, 09:00 – 12:30
Den Haag, Da Costastraat 42, 2513 RP Den Haag, Nederland
Over het evenement
This week we have theme cough and snotty
Age 6 mounts till 4 years old
Our program:
circle time: We will have a nice book to read
play time : We have a docter corner that you can visit
snacktime : fruitplatter en lemonade fruit ( for mommy and daddy a nice koffee or tea)
craft time: Band Aid
Cough and snotty
€ 7,00Verkoop geëindigd op
€ 0,00
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